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Finding the way through the web and weaving my own

Why did I write about an Egyptian protester posting nude photographs and not any other topic?

This entry will explain the method of researching and structuring the posts based on “on the transparency of search, source, and argument“. It will also show how that leads to the discovery of related topics that I might deal with in the future

What and how will I research for the next post?                         

This question arises at the beginning of each weak – the process starts. The ideas for the research come to my mind during daily-life. An article about the above mentioned subject caught my interest.

Start with turning on the computer and open up Evernote,  while the internet browser is opened on the other side and the research begins.

To continue with I checked out the blog of Aliaa to build my own opinion about her appearance. The comments on her blog interested me especially, but since the majority was formulated in Arab signs, this did not get me as far as expected. Therefore, returning to Google blog search, and typing in “naked egyptian protest” into the search machine, showed the next step. Beforehand I saved the link to her blog in Evernote.

Skimming trough different posts and looking for eye catchers, such as striking keywords, headers and images, led my path. After having found an interesting paragraph, I copied it to Evernote, highlighting the important facts and writing down some keywords explaining the content. Often one site leads to another, some might be interesting others rather not.

If not, the backspace button is hit right away. Otherwise I continued to build my own web by going deeper into the topic. Adding links and notes to Evernote.

In order not to get lost in the future, I will open up Evernote and two internet browsers to be able to compare and contrast opinions. One window could be for example pro arguments and the other contra.

After the basic research and note taking, I’ll start writing the first draft in Word, still Evernote is running next to my writing tool. It helps evaluating and contrasting the opinion’s of others because the writer is able to switch back and forth between different windows. Organizing the notes efficiently is the clue for the writing process, because it helps to use time effectively.

During the previous research, I discovered striking blogs about  “The fight of the Arab women” and also a catchy video with called “Nudity the new way of protest”.

Let’s see how the research will weave a web of different opinions for the next week.

About Fernanda

Hi, currently I am in the 2nd semester of the study program International Business Management at the HWR Berlin. Amongst others we are taught the course Business Applications where we founded the blogging group "News woth Juice". The aim is to combine and finally present the very general topic "news" with business appliaction matters. Thus the repertory of posts is very broad. Since my interests lie especially in social-political and organizational areas, I focus the research on those topics. However "field trips" to other discussions occur as well while maintaining the overall subject news. Especilly interesting the analysis of the role news play in both daily and professional life.


2 thoughts on “Finding the way through the web and weaving my own

  1. Hey Fernanda
    opening your post with a question and repeating this kind of integration of your reader into your post seems very appealing to me as do the pictures you have chosen that fit very well.

    Your post is not only well-structured and easy to read-it offers an insight in your reflection and some aha-effects you might already have gotten since we started blogging.

    I’m very interested and looking forward to your blog post next week!

    Posted by Viola | December 10, 2011, 6:50 pm
  2. Nicely done, Fernanda and Viola! For some reason I got to thinking about how best to examine in ever more detail and kept thinking of Alain Robbe-Grillet, from Wikipedia: Methodical, geometric, and often repetitive descriptions of objects replace (though often reveal) the psychology and interiority of the character. The reader must slowly piece together the story and the emotional experience of jealousy, for example, in the repetition of descriptions, the attention to odd details, and the breaks in repetitions, a method that resembles the experience of psychoanalysis in which the deeper unconscious meanings are contained in the flow and disruptions of free associations”. If you slowed right down and described what keywords, what results, what choices you made (as I talked about Viola’s example in my “flow” post), you might discover some interesting things about your ways of search, selection, and thinking. How do we work with web, actually?

    Posted by Bruce Spear | December 12, 2011, 11:02 pm

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